Monday, June 2, 2008

Would you like to do a Liver Flush with us?

After seeing what Amanda got out, I'll be doing a liver flush shortly.
Follow this link to register your interest

Flush Information

Cleansing your Liver and gallbladder has to be a profound way to improve your health. Andreas Moritz, author of ‘The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder flush’ says that cleansing the liver and gallbladder from gallstones is one of the most important and powerful approaches to improve your health’. If you are interested in flushing then we suggest Andreas Moritz’s book has to be part of your recommended reading list!

It takes about a week to perform each flush and you should expect to have to undertake a series of flushes in order to thoroughly cleanse the Liver and Gallbladder of all gallstones. Every flush makes a difference.

The first days of our flush are important as they prepare your body to undertake the flush. After the preparation period of between 3 – 6 days the flush takes place, the height of the flush taking place overnight. We are planning to do our flushes on a Saturday night so you’d have the whole of Sunday to rest and relax afterwards.

Ensure you are fit enough to take part before joining in won’t you because Manifest Health is not qualified to assist you. During the liver flush week you need to avoid taking medication, vitamins or supplements unless absolutely necessary. You must be supervised by your own GP or qualified health practitioner. For assistance or specialist advice during this cleanse please also visit your own GP or qualified health practitioner.

The cleanse

To prepare you’ll need
  1. 1 litre of organic apple juice for each day to soften any gallstones. We suggest caution for people with cancer, candida yeast infection, diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcers because of the high sugar content in the apple juice. You may need to find an alternative like malic acid in powder (but not capsule form), or apple cider vinegar.

  2. 3 litres fresh spring water for each day of the cleanse.

  3. Food including fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouted raw foods, basmati rice, nuts and pulses

  4. Herbal Teas – Ojibwa Tree of Life Tea or Manifest Health’s Liver/Kidney tea

  5. Colonic treatment or Colema Board or Enema Kit or Pot of Oxypowder (to ensure colon is clear so no stones get trapped or caught in the colon)

For the flush you’ll also need

  1. Food grade Epsom salts (to dilate the bile ducts)

  2. Grapefruit

  3. Cold pressed Organic olive oil

Ideally you’ll also have (but not essential)

  1. Celtic sea salt for flavouring

  2. Pure bristle dry skin brush

  3. Epsom salts for bathing (does not need to be food grade if being used in the bath)

  4. A plastic colander to catch the stones (if you want to look at what comes out!)

  5. Pairs of latex gloves

Monday to Friday - Preparation period

Sip one litre of organic apple juice (or suitable alternative) per day. Drink the juice between meals and be sure to avoid drinking the apple juice within 2 hours of eating a meal. Don’t drink the juice in the evening. The rest of the time eat a light diet and drink plenty of fresh spring water (2 – 3 litres daily) Your light diet should be vegan (nothing from animals or fish) and avoid anything sugary, spicy, oily, fatty, fried or processed. Food and drink must be consumed when at room temperature (or just warm) Also avoid alcohol, caffeine, fizzy drinks or any chilled drink. Keep the meals light and based around organic fruit and vegetables, sprouted raw foods, nuts and seeds, brown rice. For flavoring try celtic sea salt in moderation. Finish eating by 7pm each night. Ideally dry skin brush each evening and follow this with an Epsom salt bath. Asleep by 10pm for the night! If you are using Oxypowder to cleanse the colon, you should be taking it each evening.

Note One:
The apple juice softens the gallstones so that they will be easier and softer to pass so it’s essential to drink at least the full amount of apple juice. If the juice gives you bloating and diarrhoea during the first few days try to bear with it as the diarrhoea may well be stagnant bile moving through and not a stomach upset after all. Some people are intolerant of apple juice so if the diarrhoea is persistent get advice from your GP or qualified medical practitioner. Brush your teeth regularly throughout the day too, to prevent the acid in so much apple juice from damaging your teeth.

Note Two:
It’s essential that your colon is clear at the point where the flush is to take place and in the days following the flush. Ideally have Colonic treatments, Colema treatments, a course of enemas or take a course of Oxypowder (a powerful natural intestinal cleanser) to fully clear out the colon. Having a congested colon can make you feel nauseous when you do the flush itself so it must be clear in good time and kept as clear as possible throughout. Going to the toilet regularly is no guarantee that your colon is clear.

Flush day – Saturday night/Sunday morning

Flush day starts for us on Saturday, with the flush taking place in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The flush could take most of the weekend to complete including both passing stones to be eliminated and recovering from the flush. Rest and relax, take it easy.

Saturday until 2pm
Apple juice and water as in previous days. Fruit and vegetables for breakfast, fruit vegetables and plain basmati rice for lunch. Drink water and apple juice as normal. Eating this is an important part of the process.

You must only drink plain water from now on or you could sabotage the flush. Follow these instructions from this point onward very carefully and strictly to time:

Mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts with 24 fluid ounces of water. Drink 6oz now and save the rest for later. These salts widen the bile ducts and are critical to the fast. Use plain water to wash out your mouth but do not swallow any.

Drink another 6oz of the Epsom salt drink. Save the rest for later. These salts widen the bile ducts. Use plain water to wash out your mouth but do not swallow any.

If you have not opened your bowels today you must now perform a plain water enema.

Fill a glass with 6 fluid ounces of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Tip this juice into a jar with a lid. Fill the same glass with 4 fluid ounces cold pressed organic olive oil. Add this to the grapefruit juice. Put the lid on the jar and shake vigorously. Do not drink the mixture yet. Get ready for bed.

Shake the grapefruit and oil mix again and drink the grapefruit and oil mixture while standing up by your bed …then immediately get into bed and stay lying down on your right hand side with your legs raised up toward your chin, staying very still, for at least 20 minutes, do not read or talk, ideally go to sleep. If you feel cramps in your legs stretch them out and raise them up again. You may feel the stones on the move like rolling marbles! There will be no pain. Do not have anything more to drink for 2 hours.

During the night you’ll probably get the urge to open your bowels and you should answer this call whenever it comes, it’s what you’ve been waiting for! Some people find that they actually get a good night’s sleep and the flush takes place the following morning.

When the flush happens use a colander to catch what comes out if you would like to see the results of your efforts or leave the small pea sized balls (mainly green, tan and red/brown) to fall into the toilet pan as they will float on the top of the water in the pan.

If your colon is thoroughly clean you may well feel no nausea at all. If you do feel nausea don’t worry as the nausea should pass after a few hours. You may sip water but do not eat anything.

Sunday morning - 6.30am

Drink another 6oz of the Epsom salt drink. Save the rest for later. You may wash your mouth out with plain water but do not swallow it. Rest read or meditate sitting up, ideally stay in an upright position. Do not drink water within 20minutes before or after taking the Epsom salts.

Drink the last 6oz of the Epsom salt drink. You may wash your mouth out with plain water but do not swallow it.

Drink freshly pressed fruit juice. Sip water.

Have some pieces of fruit. Sip water.

From Lunchtime you may eat light foods and drink as you need. Don’t overload your system as it could lead to painful cramping.

It will be 24 hours before the full effects of the flush wear off so expect more flushes and more stones to appear.

Ensure you have at least one more colonic, colema, enema or take Oxypowder to ensure no ‘part travelled stones’ get caught and left lodged in the colon. Ideally this additional cleansing should be done 2 – 3 days following the night flush.

What you may see:
Stones can be all sizes shapes and colours.
The darker the colour the older the stone, the lighter the colour the newer the stone.
Green stones are created by bile from the liver and tend to float.
Tan coloured stones and white coloured stones (they don’t float typically) are calcified gallstones from the gallbladder and contain heavier toxic substances.
Any foam is probably cholesterol crystals.

Green stones are created by bile from the liver and tend to float.
Tan coloured stones and white coloured stones (they don’t float typically) are calcified gallstones from the gallbladder and contain heavier toxic substances.